Fake food is like porn, seeking to replicate the real thing but ultimately leaving you unsatisfied. 18-34 year olds have been warned of the dangers of counterfeit sex from a young age, but they are virtually unaware of the dangers and side effects of counterfeit food.
 2021 One Show Young Ones Bronze Pencil
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Pornhub Digital Banners
to increase consumer awareness of burger king being 100% real and to connect the dangers of fake food with the dangers of pornography, we are hijacking clickbait targeted at adults
AR Food Scanner
this feature within the burger king app uses augmented reality to scan and identify other fast food products by cross referencing it with a database of all fast food products. the feature with then show you the percentage of how fake that product is and offer you that percentage off a BK product
Art Direction ... Truman Florence
Copywriting ... JP Winders & Dallin Slavens
Director / DP ... David Hulme
Animation ... Harrison Brownell
truman florence florence truman trumanflorence florence truman trumanflorence truman florence